Posted: 23 Sep 2013 01:15 PM PDT One of the best things about social media and marketing fragmentation is that you get to launch products and services for free or minimal amount (vs traditional TV ads and billboards). You get to be exposed with a wider worldwide audience. Here are some brilliant ideas on how you can make a good entrĂ©e to the market using social media. 1. FacebookWith over a billion users worldwide (hundred million of which are from the United States), you have a larger than life audience that you can reach out to for the product you are introducing to the market. In addition to releasing teaser photos, behind the scenes of creating the product and contests, you should also be focusing on creating a profile and fan page for your business, web site, blog and personal brand. If you want to spread the word quickly, Facebook is the go-to platform. 2. Photo ContestAn inexpensive way to build buzz on your new product is through a photo contest. Bank on men's innate love for pictures and sharing these.You can use a Facebook app for this. Winners will be determined by way of popular votes. Don't get surprised if you get thousands of entries, visits views and votes in a couple of days. Photo contest theme should be relevant to the product that you are about to launch. 3. InfographicInfographics are visual representations of different concepts, histories, timeline and stories of anything and everything under the sun. These normally carry stunning visuals engage readers.For you to create interest in your new product or service, a well-designed infographic can be a useful tool. Need some ideas for awesome infographics? Just use Google Images and search for “infographics”, you’ll be surprised what you find. 4. Twitter's Vine AppA sneak peak of the product via a video teaser with Twitter's Vine app can spur interests from several active users. Teasers should have a length of no more than 60 seconds ideally. Some of the most viral activity being spread around social networks and among friends right now is all content through Vine. Jump in the Vine bandwagon while it’s just getting started.5. Email A "Founders List"There is still power in email marketing. Create a specific and unique email template that will include a line that says "this email is only sent to selected recipients and founding members of the organization" – it will make them feel important that you are featuring them in your latest blog list or promotion. People love to belong in a special group and have bragging rights, and it works out great for the person building the list because they will get social shares from a lot of people they are promoting as well. The monumental shift of consumers' purchasing power was greatly influenced by social media. Gone are the days when a company can easily put damage control to leaks of bad service or defective products. Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites have become the refuge of consumers with unpleasant experiences. Similar is true when a person raves about getting a superb purchase. Implement these fun and exciting ways to connect with your blogging audience and watch your followers and numbers continually grow over time. |
Posted: 23 Sep 2013 11:19 AM PDT Following the Penguin and Panda Google Updates, guest blogging has become a massive part of online life. Do you use guest bloggers to produce content? Have you shied away from using them due to lack of quality? Do you feel that guest bloggers are only after one thing? The truth is that guest bloggers can be useful. If you have a relatively small team for writing then guest bloggers are able to produce the additional content you need to push your website that step further. Some excellent contributions from guest bloggers really can enhance your blog or website, and if you have a regular pool of quality contributors, you can have a bank of content ready for you at all times. 10 ideas for getting the most out of your guest bloggers.Blog If you have an offer from a potential writer to guest blog for you then first of all request some ideas. They may be able to provide you with some samples of former content and some really good ideas that fit well with your website. If they don't get your website, they won't get you decent content so say "thank you very much but no". 2 – Get Topics Agreed Before Writing Often we find that our guest posters produce content that's very good but doesn't work with our website. It's therefore important to agree beforehand the themes and topics within the pieces to ensure that you get what you need. Synergy is key. 3 – Select Bloggers Carefully There are so many people out there looking to guest post on good sites that the volume makes it easy to be selective. You have to have a process in place to ensure that you wean out the lower quality bloggers and develop a bank of high quality contributors. Be willing to say "no" or ask for a re-edit. 4 – Be Clear About Expectations In our business we receive many posts that are run of the mill standard posts without an angle and without any interest. Explain exactly what you expect on your blog. You may want thousand word plus posts with no links in the content, and no promotion, but allow a link in the bio. Whatever your expectations ensure that you are clear about them in your communicated criteria on your site and in responses to guest posters. 5 – Request Images and Multimedia Often websites get guest posts that are excellent but just miss the mark because they don't have infographics, statistics, images, or anything that raises the tone of the content to the premier league level. Ensure that you ask your guest bloggers to contribute these additional resources and that you get resources that are royalty free and therefore can be used. 6 – Quiz Them about Your Website It's well worth finding out how much the guest bloggers know about your website so that they can communicate to you that they have actually understood what you are all about. By understanding the audience on your sites guest bloggers will hit the mark and will help you to enhance your brand. If, however, they really don't get what you are all about, their content will not be received very well by your website audience. 7 – Work with the Guest Blogger Directly It's always best to work directly with guest bloggers who are looking for a place to put their content. When you are working with PR agencies or SEO companies you'll often find that the content gets written by people other than the person you're speaking to. This means that you have to constantly reiterate points and the relationship that you are building in is not with the person that is actually developing the content. 8 – Don't Waste Your Time Don't waste your time on guest posters that aren't going to cut the mustard. You can set your expectations and standards, make some suggestions, but if they are not getting it then just move on and say "no". There are plenty of guest bloggers out there looking to contribute for your business so ensure that you find those; spend time getting the best of the best. 9 – Ensure Exclusivity You should always ensure that the content that's going up on your website is unique for you and not being recycled or used on other websites. Duplicate content can be penalized in Google and certainly will have little merit in terms of your website brand development. It could even be worse, as you may get associated with another website that contains the content and damage your brand through this association process. 10 – Provide Feedback It really is important to get feedback in any walk of life. As someone taking guest blogs it is your feedback process that will lead to improving content and improving relationships with your guest bloggers. Demand change requests and enhancements but do so in a constructive way explaining that you want the best content you can for your website and that you want to develop an ongoing relationship where the guest blogger understands what you want, what you need, and what you expect. Using guest posters is a great way to get high quality content on a regular basis. Formalize a process for your online properties, and make the most of the opportunity to use highly talented and knowledgeable writers without having to spend a penny. |
Posted: 23 Sep 2013 07:00 AM PDT As of June 2013, the total outstanding consumer debt in the United States alone was a mind-boggling $2.8 trillion. That’s a lot of money being owed and there are a lot of people out there who are absolutely crushed by this debt. They’re struggling to make payments and they’re not really sure where to turn. And that’s why there are services like those offered by National Debt Relief that help these people lower their monthly payments and avoid bankruptcy. And yes, you can cash in on this rising trend too via their affiliate program. What Is National Debt Relief?National Debt Relief is a Better Business Bureau-accredited business that helps regular consumers get out of debt without having to take out a debt consolidation loan. They are the first and only debt relief company in the US to be accredited by the BBB, giving consumers a sense of confidence that they’re being treated fairly. National Debt Relief recognizes that the people burdened with unsecured debts can have a hard time making payments and these people know that they need some help, but they’re not sure where to turn.That’s where you can step in by helping to promote the services offered by National Debt Relief. I’ll get to the finer details of the affiliate program in just a moment, but the idea here is that National Debt Relief offers debt settlement and debt negotiation, forming debt reduction plans for its customers that lower their balances, reduce their monthly payments and help them get out of debt sooner. Your debt gets consolidated so that you only have one affordable monthly payment. Indeed, National Debt Relief says that it is one of the lowest cost solutions for debt relief. And you don’t need an excellent credit score to qualify for these services, unlike some debt consolidation loans on the market. The average American doesn’t expect to be debt-free until the age of 53, but with services like these, you can achieve that goal sooner and more easily. The Affiliate ProgramThe National Debt Relief affiliate program is geared in such a way that it’s a win-win-win situation all around. The consumer gets connected with a service that will help them reduce payments and get out of debt sooner. National Debt Relief gets a new customer. And you earn yourself a healthy commission for providing the referral.There are several aspects and avenues to the affilate program that you can explore. You can earn $25 for every qualified lead that you send their way. This is when the lead fills out a six-field online form that takes only a minute. If the qualified lead makes the phone call, you can earn $38 via the Pay Per Call program with the opportunity to increase that payment to up to $50 per qualified call. The newest addition to the affiliate program is the Pay Per Sale program and this is where it is the most lucrative: you can earn $300 per sale. If you refer just ten sales a month, that’s an extra $3,000 in your pocket. Blogging Your Way to SuccessWhen you consider some of the other niches in the market, you may have to work a little harder to convince your site visitors to follow through with a form, a call or a sale. Someone casually browsing a smartphone website isn’t necessarily going to click through on a link to buy the newest iPhone. Debt relief is different.If someone is actively looking for advice about debt relief, debt consolidation, and debt settlement, they’re really motivated to fix this problem. Given the size of the debt relief market in the United States, you have a huge opportunity here to make a sizable amount of money from a relevant blog on this topic. Perhaps you could offer some advice about how to better manage your money and refer visitors to National Debt Relief for further assistance. Sign Up with CJ or SASThe National Debt Relief affiliate program is powered by two of the most popular affiliate marketing networks on the Internet today, so signup is a straightforward and easy process. You can sign up through Commission Junction or ShareASale. The programs, as far as I can see, are the same on the two networks and it offers the highest EPC on CJ and SAS for debt. If you’re going to capitalize on this market, this is the way to go for your debt-related blog. |
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